Int nRating (1 through 5 0 clears, but see here.) Int nZoneIndex (-1 toggles forward, -2 toggles backwards) Int nFlags (1: reserved, 2: bNoChapters, 4: no seek to beginning)Ġ: toggle shuffle mode 1: shuffle, jump to PN 2: shuffle, no jump 3: off 4: on 5:automaticĠ: toggle continuous 1: off 2: playlist 3: song 4: stop after each Int nFlags (1: bNotActualNext, 2: bNoChapters) Note: See Specifying Zones to learn about issuing commands to a specific Zone. The MCC commands table and defines below were auto-generated on from the latest MCCommands.h (19.0.138) file posted above. Use command numbers when calling from the command line, enum names from within software (e.g.PostMessage(hwndMC, WM_MC_COMMAND, MCC_PLAY_PAUSE, 0) HWND hwndMC = FindWindow(_T("MJFrame"), NULL) The calling syntax for posting a WM_MC_COMMAND -based message to the MC frame is demonstrated in the example below.Įxample: To post a command to toggle between play and pause It is available under the Accessories menu as Command Prompt in previous versions of Windows. Note: The MCC commands can be entered in Vista and Windows 7 directly into Search Files and Programs under the Windows Start menu, or as commands in a Windows command shell, which can be launched in Vista and Windows 7 by entering cmd.exe in Search Files and Programs under the Windows Start menu. Note: Command numbers must be used command names are not used on the command line.Įxample: To toggle between play and pause in MC16, use the command: Some MCC commands may be targeted a particular Zone - see Specifying Zones.Īssuming you are familiar with the first section of The Command Line, the general syntax for issuing an MCC command from the Windows command line (or equivalent) is: It has command number (enum value) 10000 and its accompanying parameter is ignored. For example, the command to toggle between play and pause is MCC_PLAY_PAUSE. Look up the command name / number and its parameter in the tables below. 1.1 Issuing a command from the command line.