
Altium annotate
Altium annotate

Let us take a deeper look into custom global properties and reference designator for PCB designs. Manually re-annotating can take days, so many legacy designs have disorderly annotation. This has necessitated PCB designers to manually re-annotate layouts during the design process. Tools to rearrange location of the reference designators on the PCB have been lacking in EDA tools. If the arrangement of reference designators is maintained from the schematic, the numbering would be erratic. Best design practice is to number the reference designators consecutively on the PCB to allow easy discovery of components. Reference designators are the unique identifiers on a PCB for each and every component or free pad on the design. Everybody has a silverware drawer and most are organized with caddys that divide the flatware into forks, knives, and spoons. Having a system to find many similar items in a short amount of time can be helpful in staying organized.

Altium annotate